Mark Davidson

Site Suitability Map - Identifying suitable habitat on the slopes of Mt. Shasta for a critically endangered wildflower Orthocarpus pachystachyus, Shasta owl’s-clover. This species was assumed to be extinct until 1996, when eight individual plants were identified in the vicinity of Mt. Shasta. 

Remote Sensing Map - Map for to help understand urban heat islands in the Portland metro area, with areas that have a lot of tree canopy and areas that do not.

Network Analysis - Areas within a ¼ and ½ mile walking distance of the proposed MAX stops along the SW Corridor route, including two potential routes from PCC Sylvania entrances to their nearest proposed max stops.

3D Analysis - Using 3D tools to visualize Dr. Snow's data. The result is a continuous surface (raster) that we can then bring into a 3D scene to create a visualization with the Number of Deaths as the z-value (height).

Grocery Store Map - Spatial join map connecting grocery stores with Portland metro neighborhoods.

Site Suitability Map - Analysis to find the next location where the next grocery store should go.

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